For the evaluation of a CANopen slave on the STMicroelectronics STM32F2 microcontroller,
emotas offers an example project for the STM32CubeIDE.
The NUCLEO-F207ZG is used as the evaluation board.
Detailed information on the board can found here: Link
An external CAN Transceiver is required!
The contained emotas CANopen evaluation library
includes the following features:
- NMT Slave
- LSS Slave
- SDO Server
- PDO Producer
- PDO Consumer
- Heartbeat Producer
- Heartbeat Consumer
- EMCY Producer
- EMCY Consumer
- SYNC Consumer
The following limitations apply:
- Run time of approximately 60 minutes
- 1 SDO Server
- 4 Receive PDOs with dynamic mapping
- 4 Transmit PDOs with dynamic mapping
- 3 Heartbeat consumer
- 3 EMCY consumer
Download: CANopen STM32F2 example