C#-API-Wrapper for J1939 Stack

A C# Wrapper is available for our J1939 Stack. The C# API allows the usage of the J1939 Stack on Windows using the .NET framework. All J1939 services are available and C API functions are wrapped into C# methods and callback functions are mapped to delegates. A potential use case is the development of test…

A C# Wrapper is available for our J1939 Stack. The C# API allows the usage of the J1939 Stack on Windows using the .NET framework. All J1939 services are available and C API functions are wrapped into C# methods and callback functions are mapped to delegates. A potential use case is the development of test or service tools on Windows.

PCI and USB-CAN Interfaces from HMS (ixxat) are supported and USB-CAN Interfaces from PEAK, Kvaser or SYS TEC as well.

Although the number of usages might be low, this C# solution is also available for Linux.