Dear Sir or Madam.
With our 4th newsletter this year we’d like to inform you about recent activities, new products and distributors. Also, we would like to invite you to our booth A6/263-10 at the electronica in Munich and to our booth 2/300 at the SPS/IPC/Drives in Nuremberg this November.
CANopen Protocol Stack with improved CAN-FD support
In parallel to the ongoing standardization activities of the use of
CAN-FD in CANopen, our CANopen Stack already supports CAN-FD for PDOs
and SDOs. Further highlights of the Stacks are:
– delivery as well-documented ANSI-C source code
– MISRA-C compliant
– graphical configuration tool included
The included configuration tool CANopen DeviceDesigner supports users with the fast and efficient development of CANopen applications. Only few clicks are needed to create the object dictionary of the device
and to specify the object features. The CANopen DeviceDesigner generates then initializing functions in C. Further advantages for our customers arise from the licensing model for the CANopen stack. License fees are only to be paid once.
Ready-to-run evaluation versions for various targets are available for
dowload: /en/download/canopen
EnergyBus – More and more components available
EnergyBus is the open standard for electronic components in e-bikes and other light-electric-vehicle (LEV). The communication of the components via CANopen is defined in the CANopen profile CiA-454.
emotas offers with its EnergyBus LEV Framework a software package that allows fast and easy implementation of different EnergyBus devices, such as battery, charger, drive, display and EnergyBus controller. The framework
provides all needed CANopen and EnergyBus services.
emotas also offers seminars and trainings and consulting for EnergyBus, and we are development partner of the EnergyBus association.
Exiting projects – mikroPascal & CANopen with CODESYS
We are known as an experienced partner for embedded software development in C and C++. This year we also have successfully realized some slightly different projects. First of all, we have implemented a web server using
mikroPascal on a STM32 and additionally, we did a complex CANopen project using CODESYS and Structured Text (ST). In both project we have been able to link our protocoll stacks written in C to mikroPascal resp. CODESYS and
we are able to offer this know-how for your future projects.
News from our tools and stacks
At the electronica and at the SPS/IPC/Drives we are going to present the
latest versions of our stacks and tools.
The CANopen Master/Slave Stacks in version 2.0 supports
– Multi Line functionality,
– SDO Requesting Device (SRD),
– additional profile extensions for the profiles 418, 443, 447
– support for several new targets (Freescale Kinetis, NXP LPC17xx, ATMEL AVR)
The EnergyBus framework is also available in version 2.0 and allows the usage of the latest features of the CANopen stacks.
Version 2.1 of the CANopen DeviceExplorer (CDE) comes with a lot of new
features. The most important are:
– improved visualization of PDO data
– support of additional data types: U24, U40 .. U64, UTF8_String
The CANinterpreter comes in version 1.1 and its new features are:
– extended search functionality in raw CAN messages as well as in interpreted data
Version 1.2 of the EtherCAT DeviceDesigner supports the import of existing XML files.
New partner: IntervalZero
We support RTX and RTX64, the leading real-time extension for Windows with our CANopen Master stack. This allows you to develop real-time CANopen application on RTX and Windows.
electronica 2014
This year emotas exhibits for the first time at the electronica in Munich from November 11th to November 14th. Andreas Boebel and Torsten Gedenk will be available at our booth A6/263-10 during the entire fair. We would be pleased to meet you there.
SPS IPC Drives 2014
From November 25th to November 27th you can meet our experts on the SPS IPC Drives trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany. They would be glad to welcome you on our booth 2-300. If wished, make an appointment with Andreas Boebel or Torsten Gedenk who will be available all days. On Wednesday and Thursday also Heinz-Jürgen
Oertel will be there to discuss your latest projects and inform you on our products. Our EtherCAT expert Martin Ritz is available at the EtherCAT joint booth for all 3 days as well.
With kind regards,
Your emotas team