CANopen DeviceExplorer

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The CANopen DeviceExplorer is a versatile tool for development, testing, diagnostics and service tasks. It provides CANopen (FD) master functionalities and allows the analysis and configuration of CANopen devices.
Information about each CANopen (FD) device are read from the electronic data sheet of the device, or they can be scanned directly from the device. Using standardized device configuration files (DCF) device configurations can be saved or imported. Additionally, data of entire CANopen networks can be stored in project files. The built-in scripting capability using QtScript allows users to create their own test and control applications with only little effort.


  • CANopen master functionalities like NMT commands, Heartbeat, Node guarding, (U)SDO client, PDO producer and consumer, SYNC producer, emergency consumer
  • Optional LSS master functionality
  • Saving and importing of device and network configuration
  • Firmware download acc. to CiA 302
  • Scripting PlugIn to create user specific test or service applications

Object dictionary
Objects of a device are presented in a clearly arranged object browser. Access to each object – according to the access rights – is given for reading and writing. The CANopen DeviceExplorer supports all SDO services. Values of the objects can be displayed decimal, hexadecimal, binary or in ASCII format, depending on the data type. Large data, like domain blocks, can be read directly from – or written to files.

PDO – configuration and visualizing
The CANopen DeviceExplorer supports the simple configuration of the the PDO mapping by drag&drop function. PDOs can be sent, received and visualized with a single click. The SYNC message for sending of cycle PDOs can be sent once or cyclic for the purpose of tests or diagnosis.

PlugIn – extension modules

Optional extension modules (plugins) extend the functionality of the tool.
Following PlugIns are available:

  • CANopen Interpreter PlugIn
    CANopen Interpretation
  • J1939 Interpreter PlugIn
    J1939 message interpretation
  • CAN/CANopen Scripting PlugIn
  • LSS Master PlugIn PlugIn
    CANopen LSS Master
  • SRDO Configuration PlugIn
  • EnergyBus PlugIn
  • Process DataLinker to configure the PDO linking.
  • CiA 402 control PlugIn
  • If wished emotas can create PlugIns according to the customer’s requirements.


    The CDE packages ‘Basic’ und ‘Full’ contain a defined set of plugins. Additional plugins can be licensed separately.

    PlugIns/Variante Basic Full separate
    CANopen FD Support x x
    Object Browser|(U)SDO Client x x
    NMT master x x
    PDO configuration x x
    PDO visualization x x
    Multi-Data Plotter x x
    DCF editor x x
    configuration download x x
    CAN analyzer x x
    CAN replayer x x
    CANopen Interpreter x x
    LSS Master x
    CAN/CANopen Scripting x
    SRDO Configuration x
    Process DataLinker x
    J1939 Interpreter x
    ISO-TP Interpreter x
    EnergyBus Interpreter x
    CiA 402 Control x
    Multi-Interface-Support x

    CAN interfaces

    • Ixxat/HMS CAN-Interfaces
    • Janz Tec CAN-USB
    • SYS TEC USB-CANmodul
    • Kvaser CAN-Interfaces
    • EMS Wünsche CAN-Interfaces
    • Vector CAN-Interfaces (XL-Driver)
    • ’emotas serial’ protocol


    With Linux all CAN interfaces with SocketCAN-API or can4linux-API are supported.

    CiA 309-3 Support – CANopen over TCP/IP
    The CANopen DeviceExplorer can also connect via TCP/IP to a CANopen-TCP/IP Gateway according to CiA 309-3. Using such a connection the majority of the CANopen functions can be used, but raw CAN view is not possible.

    System requirements

    • Microsoft Windows 7, 10
    • various Linux-variants
    • supported CAN interface

    Scope of delivery/Licensing

Still have some questions?

Please feel free to contact one of our specialists, in case you have questions to our product.